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Moncol Pool & Spa Bali

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Moncol Pool & Spa Bali
Moncol Pool & Spa Bali

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  • Pool & Spa Pumps

    Pool & Spa Pumps

    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127

    Ideal for large domestic swimming pools with ancillary systems such as heating, infloor cleaning, fountains, vacuum cleaning and swim jets.

  • Bayern Sand Filter

    Bayern Sand Filter

    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127

    Bayern Sand filter is combining the latest advanced of fiberglass technology with durable 6-way multiport valve, we developed the ultimate High Rate Sand Filter for filtration....

  • UV-Disinfection


    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127

    UV light has been known as an effective disinfection method to destroy organisms, such as algae, pathogen bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite , etc in the water by irradiating and....

  • Bayern AOP Ozone-Combo for Swimmimg Pool

    Bayern AOP Ozone....

    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127

    Advanced Oxidation Process ( AOP ) is a new procedure of using ozone in combination with ultraviolet and/ or ultrasound for enhancing the effectiveness of water oxidation and....

  • Bayern Ozone Solutions

    Bayern Ozone....

    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127

    BAYERN Ozone Solutions menghasilkan Ozone ( O3) sebagai zat desinfektan dan oksidan yang ramah lingkungan untuk menyanitasi air kolam renang dan spa sehingga airnya jernih....

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