Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Security & Protection category
Company Brief
Our company CV. CITRA MANDIRI PERKASA ( Depot Safety Jogjakarta )
is involved in work safety and health ( PJK3) in fire protection field .
The Letter of Decision of the Director of employment supervising and caring ( Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan) Nomor SKP.1281 / DJPPK/ AK3-U/ VIII/ 2009
about the assignment of general work safety and health given to : CV. Citra Mandiri Perkasa
Based on the certificate of Indonesian employment and transmigration department ( Departemen Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi R.I ) No. 09.2826 / AK3-U/ DJPPK-P2K/ VIII/ 2009 given to: CV. Citra Mandiri Perkasa
based on letter of information of the head of employment and transmigration department of Yogyakarta Province. ( Surat Keterangan Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan
Transmigrasi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
No. 566 / 4645 as service company of work safety and health in fire protection field.
based on the letter of decision of the assignment of the Director of employment supervising and caring ( Depnakertrans R.I Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan)
Nomor : Kep. 142 / PPK-PNK3/ KB-IL-PK/ V/ 2010
Job activities: the installation and maintenance of fire protection including small fire extinguisher ( APAR) , alarm detection installation, hydrant system, sprinkler System and integrated automatic extinguisher system.
1. The laws ( Undang-undang) Nomor 1Tahun 1970;
2. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I) No. Per. 02/ Men/ 1983;
3. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I ) No. Per. 04/ Men/ 1995;
4. The instruction of Employment Ministry of Indonesia No. Ins. 11/ Men/ 1997;
5. the Letter of decision of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja) No. Kep. 186/ Men/ 1999.
Based on:
1. The laws ( Undang-undang) Nomor 1Tahun 1970; about work safety
2. The rule of Employment Ministry of Indonesia ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja R.I ) Nomor PER.02/ Men/ 1992 about the regulation of the assignment of obligation and authority of work safety and health expert.
3.The rule of Indonesian employment and transmigration department ( Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi R.I ) Nomor PER.05/ Men/ IV/ 2007 about the organization and work regulation of Indonesian employment and transmigration department.
Therefore, as the job field that we do, there are some activities:
Planning/ Providing/ selling/ installing/ maintaining/ fire extinguisher equipment refilling, reconditioning, normalization, and the simulation fire danger anticipation practice, involved in supplier/ seller/ the kinds of the equipments/ devices/ spare parts; work safety, self protection equipment, fire extinguisher equipment ( Portable, Trolly/ car, Thermatic) Hydrant System, Sprinkler System and Alarm System.
Conventional Fire Alarm System
A conventional fire alarm system is often the natural choice for smaller applications or where budget constraints exist. Conventional fire alarm system is cost-effective and adaptable to a variety of applications, big or small … making it one of the most flexible products on the market. Unmatched in the industry for sheer versatility and ease of installation, this single-hazard control system boasts incredible power and can be easily configured for use within a wide range of industries. Built for complete building/facility fire alarm protection, It can be used for fire sprinkler, sprinkler pre-action deluge and most conventional fire alarm applications.
Addressable Fire Alarm System
Addressable fire alarm systems offer benefits in speed of detection, identification of the location of a fire and easier maintenance. Addressable fire alarm systems also offer tolerance to faults in the system wiring, which allows a single pair of wires to be used to connect up to 200 devices to the system, allowing cost savings in the wiring of large systems. In larger installations, the benefits of improved maintenance and reduced cabling cost are overwhelming. The price difference between Addressable systems and conventional systems has narrowed to such an extent that even for small installations, the use of an Addressable fire alarm system should be considered.
Fire Hydrant System
This is a semi-automatic system. A network of pipes is laid out depending upon the risk with hydrant valves placed at strategic places. The spacing/distance between yard hydrants are guided by norms. Fire Hydrant System, the oldest and still one of the most effective ones, consists of the following components:
* Sufficiently large water reservoir
* Fire pumpsets (Main and Standby)
* Jockey pumpset
* Hydrant valves
* Fire fighting hoses
* Branch pipe with nozzles
Sprinkler System
Although automatic sprinkler installations have been commercially available since 1882 and have since been installed in a steadily increasing range of industrial and commercial premises, is true to say that many facets of sprinkler protection are little understood. It may be worthwhile, therefore, to describe briefly the basis principles involved. Sprinklers fixed on pipe work charged with water spaced at regular intervals installed throughout the protected building and are connected to a reliable water supply. When a fire occurs, only the sprinklers in the immediate vicinity of the fire automatically operate the discharged water to control the fire. Sprinklers are not so sensitive that they operate at a stage when prompt manual first aid operations still have a chance of success. These factors limit the damage to very low proportions. The operation of any one sprinkler causes an alarm to sound to bring help to the scene so that the water may be shut off as soon as the fire has been extinguished. The value of the automatic sprinkler system in the eyes of Fire Insurance Companies whose estimate is based on actual calculations, is shown by the high annual rebates on fire insurance premium which are allowed to the owners of sprinklered premises. The rebates vary according to the risk and it is not possible to lay down any hard and fast rules. For approved installations conforming with the standards laid down by the Tariff Advisory Committee of India, the saving is seldom less than about 40% of the premium normally charged for the insurance of a corresponding risk without sprinklers
Foam Extinguising System
It is produced by mechanically mixing a gas or air to a solution of foam compound (concentrate) in water. Various types of foam concentrates are used for generating foam, depending on the requirement & suitability. Each concentrate has its own advantage and limitations.
Fire Fighting Equipment System
There are lot of fire fighting equipements available in the market, which are being used on the basis of requirements