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MODEM GSM l GSM ROUTER l MODEM BROADBAND[30 Mar. 2011, 19:24:48]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
JumlahSesuai dengan Pesanan
Kemas & Pengirimandus
Packed with new and unique features, the GlobeSurfer III pushes the boundaries of conventional gateway routers. Using a Qualcomm 7225 chipset, this clever device offers HSUPA at 5.76Mbps and HSDPA at 7.2Mbps, as well as AWS support � making it a forerunner in the bandwidth market.

It also provides full telephone functionality, including composing, reading and managing SMS text messages. Hard drives and printers can be connected via the integrated USB port, enabling users to share or back-up files across the LAN, while a printer can be conveniently located and used by all connected PCs.

The GlobeSurfer III is easy to use too, with just two buttons and a clear, color display screen, while unique Notifier software displays alerts and status information across the wireless network.

* About
* Specifications
* Features
* Documents

3G+ data and voice wireless broadband router

Colourful Interactive Display Screen
High-speed: Upload 5.76Mbps, Download 7.2Mbps
Telephony support with Call Forwarding, Call Waiting, CLI and Voicemail
Powerful Wi-Fi Network router
Easy to use: Intuitive 2-button control
Unique " Notifier" software application that displays alerts ( SMS etc) and status
information across the wireless network
Built-in security and firewall functionality
Smart design: Desktop or wall-mounted
Network ( File) Storage facility via USB port
Printer Server facility via USB port
Web Based Graphical Interface available in multiple languages
Easy Browser interface for novice users, and Advanced Browser for power users

Untuk Info Hub :
Indah/ Cici
Telp : 021-27363718 / 08170886364/ 082113513454
021- 74637308/ 021-94233384
YM : optimacel/ optimatel
Email: optimacel@
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